
Posts Tagged ‘artificial lawn synthetic grass forrestdale

Make your life easy with an artificial lawn by Go Greener Synthetics throughout Mandurah, Rockingham and Baldivis

Make your life easy with an artificial lawn by Go Greener Synthetics throughout Mandurah, Rockingham and Baldivis Tired of trying to revive your parched natural lawn? For only a 10% deposit, using our Certegy Ezipay - No Interest EVER! payment plans you can have your lovely new synthetic grass installed by us now and spread the payments ...
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New for 2016! Pay only a 10% Deposit using our Certegy No Interest EVER! Payment plans for artificial lawn, fake turf and synthetic grass in Mandurah, Bunbury, Perth, Rockingham and Australind

New for 2016! Pay only a 10% Deposit using our Certegy No Interest EVER! Payment plans for artificial lawn, fake turf and synthetic grass in Mandurah, Bunbury, Perth, Rockingham and Australind This fantastic service is exactly what it says! No Interest EVER! No hidden charges and you can pay off early with no penalties. See the link on ...
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Welcome to 2016! Go Greener Synthetic Lawns are straight back to the pump for artificial lawns throughout Mandurah, Rockingham, Baldivis and Bunbury

Welcome to 2016! Go Greener Synthetic Lawns are straight back to the pump for artificial lawn and synthetic turf throughout Mandurah, Rockingham, Baldivis and Bunbury After a short break over the Christmas period, the team from GGS are straight back into things for 2016. This week we are busy installing 5 homes on the same road in ...
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Busy Busy in the world of Artificial Lawns for Go Greener Synthetic Turf!

Busy Busy in the world of Artificial Lawns for Go Greener Synthetic Turf! December is traditionally a really busy time for us here at Go Greener and this year has been no exception! WIth record sales and more installs than ever throughout Mandurah, Bunbury, Rockingham and Perth we are going from strength to strength! Go Go Greener!!!! Our passion ...
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Check out our recent installations! Pictures speak a thousand words….So many lovely clients and so many fantastic installations of synthetic lawn! Perth, Mandurah and Rockingham

Check out our recent installations! Pictures speak a thousand words....So many lovely clients and so many fantastic installations of synthetic lawn! Perth, Mandurah and Rockingham. Video   artificial grass Baldivis, artificial grass bunbury, artificial grass mandurah, artificial grass perth, artificial ...
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Last few days available for your new artificial lawn in Mandurah and Perth before Christmas 2015

Last few days available for your new artificial lawn in Mandurah and Perth before Christmas 2015 Would you like your garden to look like this... Ready for the festive season? We are currently booking our last few available days, please call now to arrange your free measure and quote to ensure you don't miss these last few dates. 1300 ...
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GGS take a closer look….

GGS take a closer look... In this post we examine our best selling product, The Prestige 38mm, against another product that is currently available locally. Look similar? Look again.... Our Prestige 38mm lawn in close up showing clearly the inner 'spine' running through each individual blade. This internal spine gives our artificial lawns long term durability against general foot ...
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Another busy week for artificial lawns in Mandurah, Baldivis, Rockingham & Perth

Another busy week for artificial lawns in Mandurah, Baldivis, Rockingham & Perth Our dedicated installation teams are having a busy week installing our quality products in Halls Head, Madora Bay, Lakelands, Dudley Park,Wannanup, Meadow Springs, Baldivis and Canning Vale. All clients, as ever, delighted with the product, installation, customer service and our prices. Confused by the number of ...
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Another amazing referral for artificial lawn installed in Waikiki, Rockingham today for Kylie and her family, see how we transformed her pool area!

Another amazing referral for artificial lawn installed in Waikiki, Rockingham today for Kylie and her family, see how we transformed her pool area! Yet another amazing referral! I love my job!! Dear Selina and Team Just a short note to let you know how happy I am with my new lawn. I have had ...
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Yet another amazing referral! I love my job!!

Yet another amazing referral! I love my job!! Dear Selina and Team Just a short note to let you know how happy I am with my new lawn. I have had so many compliments from neighbours and friends, I’m looking forward to summer with my new green garden. I will definitely recommend Go Greener as a great company to ...
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